In Texas, all drivers are required to carry car insurance and knowing the state requirements is an essential step toward finding the best deal.
State Requirements
In Texas, the Bodily Injury Liability requirement is $20,000 for each person and $40,000 for all persons injured in a single accident. The required minimum coverage for Property Damage is $15,000. This is known as 20/40/15 insurance coverage.
In many accidents, the damages are greater than the TX minimums. That is why there is a good reason to raise your Texas liability coverage to 100/300/100.
Car Insurance is Serious Business in Texas
Approximately 3,700 persons die in Texas motor vehicle accidents annually. Almost 55% involve roadway departures, 18% occur at intersections, 13% involve crashes with large trucks and 12% are non-motorist (pedestrians and cyclists) fatalities. Of that same 3,700 deaths, 40% are passenger car occupants and 36% are passengers in light trucks.
The legal implications of these casualties can be catastrophic if you are underinsured, so consider your insurance coverage carefully.
Optional Insurance to Consider
In case you are the driver at fault, liability coverage will only pay for the repairs and medical expenses of other people involved in the accident. It is important to take into consideration additional insurance coverage such as the following.
* Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage will take care of your medical expenses and vehicle damage when the driver that caused the accident is uninsured. It also covers lost wages.
Recovering damages is usually difficult when an uninsured driver is at fault. It may not be required in Texas but this coverage will only cost you a few dollars and spares you from the hassle and expense of the collection process.
* Personal Injury Protection (PIP) will cover your medical expenses as well as the people traveling with you regardless of who is at fault.
* Collision coverage will pay for repairs and/or replacement of your vehicle if you are at fault.
* Comprehensive will pay for damage to your vehicle caused by incidents other than collision such as vandalism, storm damage, theft, etc.
Comparing Quotes
Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1em; padding: 0px;">The most effective way to find the best insurance deal is to compare several competitive quotes for features and price. There are free comparison shopping websites like Quote Wizard or 2Insure4Less that you can use. These sites are user friendly and provide you with three to four quotes from companies qualified to do business in your state.
Texas Joins California in Offering Discounts for Hybrid Vehicles
Texas is a place for early adopters & friends of our environment...and that includes hybrid car and boat operators.
Texas drivers are now eligible for discounts on car insurance if they operate a hybrid or other vehicle that consumes alternative fuel. The discount averages 10% and applies to all coverages except PIP and uninsured motorist.
Qualify for Other Discounts
Being a responsible driver will not only prevent you from tickets and accidents, it also allows you to get cheaper auto insurance. If you have no record of traffic violations or accidents within the past five years, most companies will offer a discount of up to 25%.
Most insurers provide a 5-10% discount to members of certain organizations. Below are organizations that typically qualify:
- Accountants
- Credit Unions
- Doctors and Nurses
- Educators
- Engineers
- Financial Analysts
- Lawyers
- Military
- School Alumni
- Scientists
- Students
If you belong to groups of this nature, ask your insurer if your organization is included on their discount list.
You may also qualify for discounts if your vehicle has anti-theft devices or safety features. Discounts are also usually applicable to low mileage drivers and multi-vehicle policy holders.
You will also save money by reviewing your policy every year and comparing your rates to those offered by competing insurance companies. As mentioned above, the Quote Wizard and 2Insure4Less websites are useful for this purpose.
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