When choosing auto insurance there are so many insurance companies and factors to consider before committing to the right one. Did you know there are at least 200 different insurance carriers to start with? Here are some of them:
AAA Insurance Co
American Casualty
American Insurance
American International Ins
American Republic
Associated Indemnity
Atlanta Casualty
Atlantic Indemnity
Auto Club Insurance Company
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Cal Farm Insurance
California State Automobile Association
American Casualty
American Insurance
American International Ins
American Republic
Associated Indemnity
Atlanta Casualty
Atlantic Indemnity
Auto Club Insurance Company
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Cal Farm Insurance
California State Automobile Association
So which are the best auto insurance companies? Well, most first time insurance buyers
go for the lowest cost premiums. But after filing a claim, they become more experienced as to other factors, like how you are treated. Being paid out on a claim without hassle is worth the extra amount a company may charge in their premiums.
The best way to choose the right Insurance company is to browse forums. Find out what others are saying, but don't base your decision solely on this. Also check state government data. By doing this you can find out which Insurance companies have the best and worst complaint rates.
Finally get as many quotes from as many companies as you can. Quotes are free and take only a few minutes to fill in a form. Some companies will also do multiple quotes, that is, you enter your information only once and you will get upto date quotes from a number of the top insurance companies. Comparing quotes from different companies can save you upto $500 on your premiums, so dont overlook doing this.
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